photos by david ruiz & yuriko hushino
Big Kitty was a fat calico cat who was rather lazy.  She would huddle on an end table by a seldom-used lamp and survey the stillness of the room like a drowsy sentinel.  By night she moved out of sight and meowed a thorny, Blind Willie Johnson meow.  For stretches of days she would disappear altogether and return the severed head of a rabbit to the front door, twitching her tail in the agitation of pride.  She is the guardian of the band that uses her name.  

Since the year 2000 Big Kitty has been making home recordings and playing concerts, first in Maryville, Tennessee and now in Chattanooga.  In recent years Big Kitty's numbers have grown in nebulous fashion from one Clark Williams to include five additional band members: Cole Champion, Billy Joe Johnson, Amanda Cagle, Daniel Binkley and Yuriko Hoshino. They are a group of friends/intrepid explorers of the nether-dimensions that can be reached only through the constant playing of little songs.  

Their first single "Waterfall of Love" comes out May 28th on Yngmnstr Records. Their full lenght album Florence, comes out this summer on Recess Records.